Isara Ketmanee

Portland, OR, United States

Jul 26 at 06:29 PM

do you stand behind the camera or stand by it and have the camera point directly? I notice the guests are having conversations with you ( eye looking to the side instead of the len for straight on shot) is that a easier way to let them feel more comfortable ?

Aug 01 at 12:07 PM

thank you for this! all good.


Jul 26 at 12:04 PM

Yo Justin, 

You can post the link to the requested intro song for Jillian wedding here bro. Whenever you can. Thank you for the valuable group call yesterday. Walked out a completely mindset shift on delivering value. 


Jul 25 at 08:49 AM

Yes! Finally those times work best for me. 100% will be there for both.


Jun 30 at 11:11 PM

bro. your wisdom and experience through it all is something we can all relate to and learn from. these topics are absolutely key to hear especially how important the separation is - even getting your own office. I totally agree. 

Jun 24 at 09:03 AM

What kind of uprights do you use/ recommend ( both budget able/ higher end)? 

Jun 19 at 03:54 PM

Appreciate it. Any word on the affiliated link? Was just about to sign up for 12 months plan and wanted to check back in here to see if we can get it today? 



Jun 15 at 05:49 PM

Do we have music bed affiliated link for discounted rates? Can't wait to come here for answers! So many questions! Literally started wedding 2 weeks ago! 


Jun 15 at 05:32 PM

missed it yesterday but definitely watching this now!