Just joined, and wanted to post over in here that I don't even have a wedding on my books until May. I want to really learn this style of editing as prep work, and so I'm willing to edit one or two videos for people completely free, if you're willing to take a chance. If you like what I can deliver, I'm open to a more long term relationship.
I'm also really looking to travel more, so I'd love to come second shoot with some people all around the country, and the only compensation I'd ask is that you cover travel. I just switched over to an R5C rig, and it needs to be run through its paces.
Hiring Freelance Editor (Narrative/Reality TV Style Weddings)
Hey everyone!
We're looking to scale this year and the first order of business is to hire an editor per project. At this moment we just need someone to sort footage and create teaser trailers.
Any questions? Let me know and I'd love to jump on a call or text to give more details.
Anyone in Miami on January 3rd wanting to be a 3rd shooter/BTS? I would need you to primarily focus on BTS and would only need you as a 3rd shooter during ceremony.
It’s only our second wedding, so our budget isnt great, but let me know your rates and we’ll see what we can do. 💪🏽
Is anyone available for a wedding in Charlotte NC on 11/2? A little last minute but might be needing a second shooter for this wedding

Welcome to Jobs Classified Academy! I created this community to connect members of the academy with job opportunites. Here, you can hire fellow members as assistant filmmakers or editors, making it easy to collaborate and grow together. I’m excited to see how we can support each other and elevate our projects.
Max Cruz I got a wedding October 12th in Virginia. I can fly you in if you’re down for some wedding day training. Throwing you at the wolves though 😂
I need 2 filmmakers October 22nd-24th in Dallas. Will fly you in. It’s a corporate job and I’m assembling a team that will be led by Alex
Hello fellow reality tv wedding filmmakers!
Shameless Plug —-> I am semi-new to videography, however I am new to wedding filmmaking and looking to make it my home for the foreseeable future.
@Phongshuimedia (Instagram Handle)
*****Located in Washington State —> Everett area (30 minutes north of Seattle)*****
Will take pay cuts to travel and/or help with projects in order to help add onto my portfolio.
-Am able to rent any camera/lens combination to make it easier for your post production.
-I have my own Sony Fx30 cine rig decked out
-Easy rig
-Ninja v for external recording
-Mid tier audio equipment (sennheiser mk416, diety pr-2’s with sunken-cos11d’s (black and beige)
-Amaran 60x s COB bi-color lights with 13’ air cushioned stands
-Hollyland C1's available if needed
I’ll undercut anyone outside of the academy to join your production (within reason)!
-Happy filmmaking
Jadyha Gardner are you available September 20th in Richmond? Of course would fly you in?
Yo my Canada people. How far are you from Winnipeg? Might have something in the pipeline there? Vishal Modi Hisham Fotouh