Jerry Handy

Oct 24 at 02:20 PM

Looks like all the studio footage may be off or it may just be me.

Oct 24 at 01:16 PM

Yes around the 4min mark

Oct 24 at 12:41 PM

Hey bro. Is your audio out of sync?

Jul 11 at 11:32 AM

Justin Porterok cool. Just curious as to how it worked with clips being placed on the timeline already and then going back to the cut page to get full use of the speed editor. Doesn’t the speed editor append Clio to clip?  Wouldn’t that throw everything off?  I’m obviously new to all of this and trying to wrap my head around it. 

Jul 10 at 03:37 PM

Justin Porteralso with your keyboard editor how would u use that in the cut page if all the clips are already synced based on time code?  I’m interested in getting the smaller version of the speed editor to help out my editing. I’m not doing weddings at the moment but setting myself up with the tools that I need. 


Jul 07 at 06:35 AM

Justin Porteryes I saw that video and did purchase a QNap NAS. I don’t recall a section on mapping the drive to the local computer though. I remember you mentioning that u would do a walkthrough on how to configure everything in the computer. 

Jul 06 at 08:47 PM

Justin Porteralso I see that you put all of your media on your computer....where exactly does the NAS come in at?  Are you files [completed projects moved to the NAS] after it's finished and the files on your computer deleted/archived?  I need to set up a file structure and have heard that you don't want your files on your desktop...just checking.


Jul 06 at 06:23 PM

About to dive in to this crash course.  Hopefully I can get as good as you Justin. I have issues when it comes to syncing everything as far as audio and making the cuts in multi cam.  But I will push to get better.   LOL.  Also, there is a typo in your main title "Davinci" bro.  

Commented on Creating a Bus Audio

Jun 12 at 04:29 PM

Sweet. I had no idea you could do that. Learn something new everyday. 

Commented on Let me hear from you!

Jun 08 at 11:13 AM

Looking forward to it. Hope it’s not due the next week as me and my fam will be on a cruise.