Alex Gerred

Kent, United Kingdom

Aug 21 at 12:15 PM

Im probably doing something wrong. But Im not getting the google meet stuff. 

Aug 21 at 11:16 AM

How do I get the Google meet invitation? I never seem to get them!? 

Replied on Heeeeelp! Haha.

Jul 19 at 02:18 AM

Justin Porter I shoot on a 35-150.. usually at 130-150 so I'm well away. 

Replied on Heeeeelp! Haha.

Jul 17 at 12:18 PM

Justin Porter fair play. I reassure before / during the day. 

Even lying saying that they don't record when I'm not around - and the range is poor so don't worry about me hearing you on the toilet. 

Effectively its true. I only listen to the bits with footage. 

But its during those conversations - they're just too aware. 



Jul 14 at 04:59 AM

Hey mate. Just watched the latest live.

I dunno how many I'll make due to the tjme diffence and as to answer you latest question of "how busy are you guys"

... busy man. Its great. I feel blessed. But I feel like I'm drowning as I'm not full time yet. The sorting, culling and edits are overwhelming. And I'm not even applying everything you're teaching yet. I'm struggling, to be honest. 

I do have a question, if I can't make the next live... would you be able to answer it on it? As it maybe helpful to us all. 

1) I have 6 microphones. I try to utilise them all. But although I don't have too much push back when I'm putting them on, I can usually talk them into it... throughout the day, as I sit back and edit all I'm getting is... "I'm microphoned BTW", "Careful what you say, Im microphoned", "oh S*** they got that on tape", "when can I take this microphone off".

I back myself that I can work the room enough that I can charm them in person. It's the candid moments I'm trying to capture that they JUST DONT SEEM TO LET GO. Forget. Be natural. It's frustrating. 


Jul 07 at 01:14 AM

Will we be getting your project template? That'd be so helpful! 


Jul 06 at 02:24 PM

Where are we submitting our Trailers? 


Commented on Group Mentor Session

Jul 05 at 07:15 PM

Anyone else got audio yet?

Commented on Group Mentor Session

Jul 05 at 07:08 PM

Yeah. Same. No audio. 


Commented on Group Mentor Session

Jul 05 at 07:05 PM

Wait. Have I done something wrong. Can't hear,