Matthew Reid

Austin, TX, United States

Apr 06 at 04:29 PM

Hahah Carlos Cedeno 😂 I’m just out here spreading the truth!


Apr 06 at 10:07 AM

Welcome 🥹

Apr 01 at 04:04 PM

Loved the bts! Weird seeing a blackmagic camera haha

Mar 09 at 11:09 AM

I showed this group photo to my wife and she commented saying this was the most diverse group of filmmakers that I’ve been a part of. It’s no coincidence that it was also the most fun. Proud of what you’ve been able to do, who you’ve been able to attract, and how you’ve been able to bring it all together. It’s an honor to call you a friend.


Mar 09 at 11:03 AM

Venues are more expensive on weekends haha hope to meet you at the next one though!


Commented on Filming Interviews

Dec 22 at 05:42 PM

Were all of the people (like the mom) that were interviewed all mic’d up or were any from the shotgun mic?

Sep 15 at 02:07 PM

Haha this is more exciting than my last camera purchase!
