Hi Justin! Being able to switch quickly between easyrig handheld and gimble seems like a dream! I'm looking into getting an rs3 pro--would you recommend the smallrig or tilta ring? I would also be curious to see how you build your rig for different parts of the wedding day! :D
Sydney Hsieh
San Diego, CA, United States
Commented on Scene Building Using a Single Camera Op
Replied on Still sick... new lineup for next week.
Commented on Still sick... new lineup for next week.
Commented on Changes to the Schedule
Commented on Coming soon: Dream pocket microphone?
Commented on Brianna + Dustin Dress Shopping
Oct 24 at 07:59 PM
Hi Justin, Alex, et. al., This bts documentary is absolutely incredible! The way you communicate for cross coverage, motivate special moments with grandma, catching interviews along the way with their wedding film in mind--and INTEL?! That's a mindblowing way of thinking of things. Sometimes I am scared of missing something key and want to film everything--but giving people the space to be vulnerable is just as important to find the story! Whole mental shift here. Thank you guys!