Taylor Fields

Phoenix, AZ, United States

Aug 19 at 01:09 PM

Appreciate it again! We have more films to critique if you want, they're all months old though. Our season is about to start, so cant wait to start implementing what we've been learning 

Jul 17 at 06:51 PM

I don't have them but I plan on doing the same thing. Only other company I'm looking at is Tascam they have something similar coming out soon as well for around 220 ish ,although I'm not sure if the TC 1s work with them, I assume they would.

Replied on Tascam DR10

Jul 08 at 07:55 AM

Right! It’s lame that diety has said a price. I’m sure they will be competitive, maybe they’ll come out sooner 



Jul 07 at 05:21 PM

Replied on recorders

Jul 03 at 08:32 AM

cool thats what i was thinking :) 



Jul 01 at 10:20 AM

would it be wiser to wait for Deity to drop the new recorders or should I just get the old ones while I can?


Jun 28 at 07:04 PM

noooo is live not available to basic members ?

Jun 28 at 12:43 PM

Justin Porterok yeah I saw it on one video and not on the others, good to know you've strayed from that! Thanks for the info, I'm definitely buying audio gear next lol  our IG is @phxrisingmedia  based out of AZ :)

Jun 27 at 09:14 PM

Justin Portermaybe I was seeing wrong but I thought i saw the zoom on yours and your seconds camera cage with like 3 wireless devices plugged in.

I don't think it was the dj sound 


Jun 27 at 09:46 AM

Very interested in doing this! Ive seen your setup have the zoom 6 on it, is that just to receive the mic inputs? Does it have to be on the camera?