I don't have them but I plan on doing the same thing. Only other company I'm looking at is Tascam they have something similar coming out soon as well for around 220 ish ,although I'm not sure if the TC 1s work with them, I assume they would.
Taylor Fields
Phoenix, AZ, United States
Commented on Coming soon: Dream pocket microphone?
Replied on Tascam DR10
Replied on recorders
Commented on Film Trailers - Creating the Score
Replied on Wedding of Katrina & Austin
Replied on Wedding of Katrina & Austin
Commented on Wedding of Katrina & Austin
Commented on Wedding Film Critiques POSTED!
Aug 19 at 01:09 PM
Appreciate it again! We have more films to critique if you want, they're all months old though. Our season is about to start, so cant wait to start implementing what we've been learning