Erick Weinreich

Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Replied on New Content Drop!

Oct 27 at 09:19 AM

Hope Justin can get back to you, but..

1) definitely go multitracks on the F6. That will give you more control in mixing levels during post.

2) not sure, I’m actually waiting for my time code gear to come in, so not too savvy with that

3) have the tripod always on a safe “cut away” angle that you can always cut back to in post. Use the gimbal to punch in tight, get reactions, sweeping creative shots etc. cutting back and forth from the tripod shot to all the different shots you get with the gimbal will look like you had 5 different cameras!


Commented on New Content Drop!

Oct 26 at 04:57 PM

Just sat and watched this entire thing right after signing up. Not a minute wasted! Thank you Justin for all of this priceless content!