Danny Song

Sacramento, CA, United States

Feb 22 at 02:28 PM


Feb 07 at 09:14 PM

Nice film! Might want to check the VO audio track. I think it only played on the left channel.

Feb 05 at 02:08 PM

I use the Rode Wireless Pro system mainly because it has timecode, so no need to buy a separate TC box, but you might need to buy a separate TC cable depending on your camera model.Since you already own the Rode Wireless Pro system, I'd consider buying another set if your camera can record timecode. You can jam sync the timecode between the Rode RX units. Then use all of your Rode TX units to record internally. I don't care about the range or wireless signal strength because I don't even record the wireless TX audio into the camera. I rely on the internal recording and sync in post via timecode (plus the internal recordings are 32-bit float). Keep in mind, this specific recommendation depends on your camera and if it can record timecode. Also, if you don't care about timecode and just want to manually sync the separate audio tracks in post, then you might be able to find inexpensive recorders that you place on each individual. But I can't stress the convenience and value of TC.

Feb 01 at 10:34 PM

🔥I need to add anamorphic lenses in the bag.

Jan 25 at 02:46 PM

Thanks! Inspired by your work. 🙌🙏 I never considered capturing wedding interviews and soundbites before seeing your approach to it. It’s such a unique and fun experience for people. Couples LOVE it (especially if you spend a few minutes with their grandparents)!



Jan 23 at 03:50 PM


When they act the part. 😂

IG: @heydannysong


Jan 22 at 07:48 PM

Since you’re both gonna be editing the projects, could you just share proxy files that are much smaller file sizes? Or share/ship an external SSD back and forth?

Jan 21 at 09:53 PM

Thanks! It’s the masking tool in DaVinci Resolve that lets you isolate and edit specific areas. It was very subtle in this clip but I just lowered the background exposure.


Jan 19 at 02:48 PM


This is one of my favorite looks and it’s a LUT included/pre-installed with DaVinci Resolve (Kodak 2383 D55).

I’ve been posting very short clips like these on my Instagram, so here’s my shameless plug 😁: @heydannysong


Jan 18 at 05:48 PM

What exactly do you have to deliver to your couples? Breaking that down is a good start to figuring out what gear will be “necessary” for you.