Danny Song

Sacramento, CA, United States

Jan 11 at 01:13 AM

Digging the pacing on the teaser! Really nice work. The part that jumped out at me was the interview lighting because of the shadows. Maybe dial down the key light and use a reflector/bounce to fill the shadow side next time.


Jan 08 at 02:34 AM

My gimbal is on PF mode 95% of the time. Every now and then I'll switch to Pan and Tilt Follow (PTF) mode. It's not the most creative shot, but useful for revealing a room if you're starting from the ceiling (quick sample: https://youtu.be/Twih60KJAyU).

Jan 06 at 09:01 PM

I'm imagining the couple rewatching this in 20+ years and I know that they'll love rewatching these scenes, especially since they wanted a "home video" vibe. I actually liked the bridal prep/chicken nugget scene; those little raw details are nice to remember. Very nice job in that regard! As for technical aspects, these are some notes that stood out the most to me. 1) There were lots of intense camera jitters throughout like around 8:30 and 10:35, but I won't speak beyond that since you already acknowledged that's something you're working on. 👍2) There were lots of parts that weren't in focus. I'm not sure if it was intentional but it definitely distracted me especially when someone was speaking.3) The transitions were abrupt around 7:30 and 9:10. I think if you're able to massage those parts somehow, it could improve the flow! Other than that, I'm sure they'll enjoy watching and rewatching these scenes over the years!

Jan 05 at 02:27 PM

If you're using Davinci Resolve, then Casey Faris on YouTube has a lot of great tutorial videos. It's not really focused on storytelling or a specific editing style, but more on the technical skills (all levels from beginner to intermediate/advanced) to learn the basics of editing in Davinci Resolve.