Shane Madsen

George, IA, United States


Feb 16 at 06:54 PM

Just joined, and wanted to post over in here that I don't even have a wedding on my books until May. I want to really learn this style of editing as prep work, and so I'm willing to edit one or two videos for people completely free, if you're willing to take a chance. If you like what I can deliver, I'm open to a more long term relationship.

I'm also really looking to travel more, so I'd love to come second shoot with some people all around the country, and the only compensation I'd ask is that you cover travel. I just switched over to an R5C rig, and it needs to be run through its paces.



Feb 16 at 06:50 PM

Hello all! Just joined, and of course so freaking happy to be here!

Justin Porter long time stalker..... I mean fan.... 

I have been in the weddings industry for a little over 3 years now, based out of Northwest, Iowa. It's been going fine, but it's 2025. It's time to make some changes, start learning how to really run the industry instead of letting it run me. I'm trying to buy my first home, support my family of 4, and I think this is a great place to find the answers I need to make it all come together.

I would love the opportunity to work alongside some of you either in the field or as an editor. I'm just ready to stop wasting time and put in the work. 💪 And yeah.... that means hitting the gym these next few months to get my arms as big. Jeeze!