Justin Porter

San Antonio, TX, United States

Mar 08 at 09:21 AM

Heck yea man. Truly glad to hear that. So yes, I send a long export. I add a lut to all footage and that’s it. 

I upload it to Dropbox cause it’s a large file. 

Mar 08 at 08:34 AM

Dylan Dykes let’s goooo. So happy for you today. Have fun most importantly.

Interview anytime you feel there’s time to. Hair and makeup is a golden window to do this.

Prioritize parents, grandparents, then everyone else.

Don’t put pressure on yourself to have a “interview list”.


Mar 07 at 09:43 AM

That's the worst part is that it makes the setup unbalaned and kinda ugly but the results are amazing and worth it. Mine looks like crap and my RED always hits a shoulder lean lol. I'm here for suggestions too.


Mar 03 at 08:56 PM

Tape a lav to the cups/bowls in front of them if they don't want to wear it. The only other way is boom audio but if they don't lavs then my guess is they don't want a boom op either


Feb 22 at 08:44 AM

Mike! Bro I hope you’re doing well. These stills look insane bro. So clean 🔥🔥🔥

Feb 20 at 05:13 PM

There’s 2 ways to look at this, if it was me, I’m ghosting her. Reason is simple, if you’re not willing to invest 15 - 30 minutes to meet then this is likely going to end with the lowest bidder. It’s time wasted.

The other side of the coin, she may be super busy so benefit of the doubt and send her everything then let it be. This is a rare situation though. Most who reach out will make time for a call


Feb 18 at 08:12 PM

Media badge and the think tank 🔥🔥🤌🏾

Feb 17 at 02:09 AM

Let’s goooo. So dope you’re going all in. It can be very lucrative. What city you in?

Feb 17 at 02:05 AM

Let’s goooo. Bro this is dope. Would love to hear about it in the call Tuesday

It’s definitely worth it bro. So sick. Haven’t been too crazy about it cause I love my RF 24-105. It’s tempting
