Justin Porter

San Antonio, TX, United States

Sep 17 at 04:55 PM

Haha we have some Cali trips next year. I’ll post about it before we come!


Replied on Micing the Girls

Sep 16 at 07:47 AM

Yep. 3 is really all you need to get started. You’ll want more over time but you can achieve a lot just with 3. 

I have an editor on my team full time as well. I’ll be doing some content with her too very soon. Filming alone is also not a problem. Most scenes we are just 1 camera person. It does help to have an assistant though. 

Sep 15 at 12:18 PM

Let’s go!! I love it. Replying from the app haha. Seeing the notifications pop up is blowing my mind haha. Matthew Reid sent me a screenshot lol


Sep 14 at 06:22 PM

Oh you out of there haha 😂 I’m sorry

Replied on Recap & Drone Shots

Sep 08 at 11:26 AM


Sep 07 at 08:37 AM

One for them all 25-70 F2.8. It can get you just about any situation. I talk about it in the beginning of this video.


Aug 30 at 02:45 PM

Wow! I am so happy you made those tests! I also have had several comments from people who own Tentacles that they have never had them die on them during a shoot. If you end up doing a second test, would love to know the results.


Aug 22 at 05:50 PM

Steve Schmeltzer try it now. I reattached it to the module :)


Aug 22 at 05:13 AM

They are available for all members. Can you screenshot and post what you see so I can diagnose? I've had a few members unable to download them but I can't duplicate the issue from my end.

Aug 20 at 12:48 PM

Let’s gooo. I can’t wait to see what you do!
