Justin Porter

San Antonio, TX, United States

Aug 20 at 12:48 PM

Mohamed Ali Elseify thatโ€™s strange. You definitely donโ€™t have to be premium to get any of the extras.

Have you tried clicking the link from the main collection area? If that doesnโ€™t work let me know and Iโ€™ll email them to you.


Aug 17 at 07:38 AM

It is still available. When you go to find the Sfx, itโ€™s attached the the main collection for part I, creating the soundtrack.



Aug 16 at 06:27 PM

Yes you can or do it on the live :)


Aug 14 at 10:02 AM

That is a great question. So I pull focus with the DJI Advanced ring grip. I was also shooting at F4 with the 24-105.I didn't have to adjust much because everything at 24 seemed in focus.ย 

My best advice for getting comfortable with manual focus in a scenario like that would be using a wide angle lens since you'd be moving pretty fast.ย I prefer a zoom lens for sure. You need the range with this style becuase you never know when or how something will happen. There's very little downtime to swap lenses.

Aug 01 at 10:26 AM

Hey Isara, So I have looked everywhere and I can't find/remember what song I used. I know it came from musicbed but I don't recall the actual song sadly. :(

YO! Sorry I missed this.

I have a very lengthy response to this. In short, the Hartford has been the company I've used for insurance since the beginning. I have a 2 million dollar general liability policy and I also have select coverage on all my production gear that's covered against lost, theft. I also have "profit loss" in the event that the gear that was lost or stolen causes me to lose work. My policy also has several clauses for data corruption/recovery. I have a horror story where I lost 9 terabytes do to file path corruption and my insurance paid out almost 11K to recover data. They also reimbursed me for all the couples I had to refund for losing the data.

I want to make this a topic for a group session.


Aug 01 at 10:14 AM

Let's GOOO! game changers I swear I wouldn't lie to you haha

Commented on Live streams

Aug 01 at 09:50 AM

Yes of course! We are finishing up the edit and uploading it soon!


Jul 26 at 08:08 PM

So happy to hear that. Thank you for being a member ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ

Jul 23 at 01:09 PM

It should definitely be recorded this week. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ