Justin Porter

San Antonio, TX, United States

Replied on Heeeeelp! Haha.

Jul 18 at 07:22 AM

Alex GerredHow close are you at times when that's happening?

Jul 17 at 10:12 AM

Thanks so much Isak! You should be able to download the sound effects though with your current membership. Click the "Sound Effects" download video. Then you'll see the sound effects zip to download them. I have to update the video.

Replied on Heeeeelp! Haha.

Jul 17 at 08:12 AM

JG I definately think it's heavily influenced. I think there is a lot of reassuring you have to do. Also, motivating things to happen. Mics sometimes will do the job for you but I think more often than not, I am pushing people into scenarios they would of otherwise stayed out of.

Commented on Heeeeelp! Haha.

Jul 14 at 09:14 PM

That's a good one and definately one I can bring up on a mentor call. I'll schedule the next one for early. That happens to me too sometimes. I would bring as much personality as possible out of them early. You mentioned you try talking to them, tell them that you've literally heard everything. Assure them that it's only for the film and nothing that shouldn't be in it, won't be and the couple won't get any copies of the audio. 

It's tough but defintaley try relaxing them. Even give them examples like "pretend you're on the Kardashians lol. That works alot. As for the editing, stay calm and set proper deadlines with your couples. It's something I am finding myself struggling with too but just communicate and apply as much TLC as you can in the edit.

Jul 13 at 09:37 PM

😂😂😂 it’s a must I promise haha

Hey Isak, My apologies. That collection wasn't updated but it should work for you now. Give it a refresh and let me know if you still can't access. Thanks so much again!

Jul 11 at 08:57 AM

Jerry Handyits pretty dope in the cut page with ripple delete. Honestly, I use it the most for multicams and scrubbing timelines. The speed editor (smaller one) is definitely worth it. I have the full keyboard so i didn’t have to go back and forth. The full keyboard is 50% off now. 

Jul 09 at 02:38 PM

Usually I get it from the coordinator. They don’t always send it but you can always email and they should provide it if they have one. 

Jul 07 at 11:25 AM

Yep! It is now attached to the video. Just below the title you'll see the downloadable project file.

Jul 06 at 10:32 PM

Jerry Handy The files are actually on the nas. The nas is mapped to my editing computers via the network and 10 gig ethernet. I did a full video of this on youtube if you're curious how the logistics are setting it up>  https://youtu.be/0wkIn5Q1qb8