Justin Porter

San Antonio, TX, United States

Commented on If you know, you know.

Jan 31 at 09:21 PM


Jan 31 at 07:44 AM

Alex K oh I meant like lensrentals.com

They have tentacles in stock.

But this situation, sounds like you should use what you have and mix the loudest ones in the group. Like the ones more likely to speak, mic them.

Jan 30 at 08:38 PM

Is it too late to rent gear?

Jan 30 at 08:38 PM

So the way I do it is they don’t get synced audio. It’s specific to the in camera audio. The only ones I do sync is interviews.

I then export a raw footage film. All clips in an H.265 codec so it’s smaller in 1080 🙌🏾


Jan 25 at 01:04 AM

Bro your interviews are so dang good haha

Jan 23 at 05:42 AM

Definately do a proxy workflow. Use davinci proxy generator to do this in the background. It's a different program downloaded with davinci. Super easy to use too.


Jan 17 at 04:04 PM

Yo Dylan, first off man, welcome to the community.

There’s definitely a lot of moving parts but focus on one area at a time. Audio, is super important and at the very least? A shotgun microphone will work. What’s your current gear kit looo like?

Jan 15 at 03:44 PM

Matthew Reid what else you got?? Send me a text haha


Jan 15 at 07:09 AM

What!!! No way! Wrong address?

I’ve had this happen once but I was able to contact ups and they tracked it down. Most carriers have to record exactly where it was delivered. Even signature verification.

Also, my wife is in the neighborhood Facebook groups. She posted in there and got a response too but I had already had ups on it haha

Jan 15 at 06:25 AM

Oo man 100? Baby Reid already clearing house. I’ll take this bro