Justin Porter

San Antonio, TX, United States


Sep 14 at 08:08 AM

JPM Live Academy is about to be in your pocket people! The IOS app has been approved. Now to just do a few last minute things and we will do virtual launch party 🔥🤩🤩🤩



Sep 09 at 08:53 PM


Sep 06 at 03:57 PM


Sep 05 at 02:59 PM


Sep 04 at 10:44 AM

We have a special guest lined up for our group mentor session this week, MY WIFE! In the past few years, she has grown my social media accounts exponentially and gotten me out of my own way with creating content and telling the story of our business and brand. This is a group mentor call that you won't want to miss so be sure to pre-register!


Aug 31 at 02:39 PM


Aug 27 at 07:36 AM

I've had a lot of questions rolling in and there are a few things I would like to address in a group mentor call. If you're a premium or platinum member, be sure to join using the Google Meet link sent to your email or posted in 'Passionate Storytellers'. See you there!


Aug 21 at 08:25 PM

Today's Group Mentor Session was a deep dive into some great topics including working with content creators, micing solutions, and asking difficult questions. Enjoy!


Group Mentor Session | Augu...

Insights Unveiled! Our Group Mentor Session on August 21, 2023...


Aug 20 at 09:04 PM

Impromptu session tomorrow at 12pm CST. Platinum and premium members be on the lookout for your Google Meet link. See you there!



Aug 20 at 08:20 PM

Answering one of our member's questions regarding collaborating with business owners ahead of time to film events leading up to the wedding day.


JPM Uncut Episode 6: Collab...

Listen as we discuss coordinating with business owners in...