Josue Avalos

San Diego, CA, United States

Nov 02 at 11:04 PM

Love that the dad came up to you and started spilling. I've had this happen a few times and the urge to just step back and start recording them is so strong! Your philosophy on it is gold though. Much better to earn their trust and learn about the family story than ruin a moment/relationship build by recording them. Man I can't wait to book a dress shopping soon. Going to offer for free at first so I have proof of concept!

Oct 18 at 06:44 PM

Man I always come back to this podcast, so good! This mindset is gold. I wonder though…where do you go from here? Like do you scale your wedding business to where you have multiple teams shooting weddings across different cities/ states? What’s the end game? I always wonder how scaling a business in the wedding space will work because so much of it is personality driven

Oct 18 at 06:16 PM

Like Wiz Khalifa said “While you busy trynna fit in Imma stand out”


Replied on Micing the Guys

Oct 18 at 09:19 AM

I see, what brand of mounts? I probably don’t have time to order anything now, but do you think I can get away with the soft circles only? I should just test it myself lol but I figured you could share your insight

Hey man I know I’m late but just thought I’d add in. I have AAA renters insurance for my gear in case it gets stolen from home. I have AAA roadside and car insurance so the bundle was cheap. I have Full France Insurance for the business assets and it covers up to $10k of damaged equipment. I think its like $199 a year.

Luckily never had any nightmare situations with equipment, knock on wood. But I have had a sensor fail on me during an engagement shoot. The repair was like $500 but insurance covered about half after the deductible!

As far as theft prevention, I grew up in the ghetto lol so it’s built into me to be cautious. Never ever leave equipment in your car alone, like if you’re gonna go out to eat, have to park far etc. in California a lot of couples have like 3 locations for their weddings (prep/ ceremony/reception) so knowing the parking situation beforehand is ideal. Unload first then park the car. I have AirTags in all of my bags. Save your serial numbers too


Commented on Micing the Guys

Oct 17 at 11:00 PM

Do their shirts/ jackets not rub against the lapel mics? Or are you using shields or foamies to prevent that? Or do just the soft circles do the job? I am just clipping the mics right now but I think I am going to start sticking it to them


Jun 16 at 12:14 AM

Hey everyone, I am excited to be a part of this! I was secretly hoping Justin had this live academy up and running before the wedding season so that I could be more prepared lol! Either way I have already implemented some of the teachings into my workflow! The biggest change for me was putting mics on multiple people. I can't quite afford the whole timecode set up yet so I have to put in hours to sync everything until then!

I am a 1 man team and between editing and shooting, I try not to do more than 2 weddings a month. I am interested to hear what everyone's calendars look like! I would love to do more than 2 but I feel like I have to rush the editing if I do that.


Commented on Too much energy?

Jun 16 at 12:05 AM

I have the same question! I have a feeling it's the reason why a lot of couples hire him to begin with though. He has a lot of content that shows how hype and energetic he is when he films, so I think they know what they are getting into. The wedding party (family and friends) seem to be the ones that don't know what they're getting into based off the behind the scenes lol. But he seems to be able to diffuse any doubts right away with his confidence. Every piece of equipment has a purpose and his reassurance disarms any pushback it seems