Man I always come back to this podcast, so good! This mindset is gold. I wonder though…where do you go from here? Like do you scale your wedding business to where you have multiple teams shooting weddings across different cities/ states? What’s the end game? I always wonder how scaling a business in the wedding space will work because so much of it is personality driven
Josue Avalos
San Diego, CA, United States
Commented on JPM Uncut Episode 2: Passion Or Profit
Commented on JPM Uncut Episode 7: Stay Out of the Shadows
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Commented on Micing the Guys
Commented on Too much energy?
Commented on Brianna + Dustin Dress Shopping
Nov 02 at 11:04 PM
Love that the dad came up to you and started spilling. I've had this happen a few times and the urge to just step back and start recording them is so strong! Your philosophy on it is gold though. Much better to earn their trust and learn about the family story than ruin a moment/relationship build by recording them. Man I can't wait to book a dress shopping soon. Going to offer for free at first so I have proof of concept!