Alex K


Feb 03 at 03:29 PM

Need some advice. I’m looking to get into lav audio recording, personally I don’t have $1k to drop on 4 recorders, 4 lavs, and a TC box since I’m saving for my own wedding. However, from last year I got the rode wireless pro. I could get another rode wireless go and their TRS splitter so I can Mic 4 people up for audio. Unless someone has a better idea because I’m researching and struggling to find a good solution that does not break the bank. I like the idea in slowly investing in good gear however, I might have 3 more shoots this year that are 4-6 people so I don’t have a clear direction. TYIA


Jan 31 at 09:06 AM

Justin Porter yeah, I tried them, but they wouldn’t have arrived in time. Tomorrow is the film day at 9:30 AM, and the quickest delivery was Saturday, which was too close for comfort. I have two lav mics and that shotgun mic you just reviewed. But I’m definitely going to invest in three more lavs over the year so I never have this issue again.

Jan 31 at 07:35 AM

I’m my area yes unfortunately. It’s more photo stores than video stores. But it’s definitely getting me to invest into more gear asap.



Jan 28 at 10:14 PM

Need some advice—doing a video shoot on Saturday. It’s going to be a dining room table with six people talking. There will also be someone in the background cooking food. I don’t have enough lav mics to mic everyone, so I was thinking about using a shotgun mic on a boom arm stand over the table to try and get good audio. Any advice would be helpful. Working on a tight budget since it’s for a non-profit.


Jan 05 at 02:32 PM

Yeah I’m learning on davinci. I bought the full thing. 


Jan 05 at 12:22 PM

Thank you! I appreciate the advice!



Jan 05 at 11:31 AM

Hey everyone, long-time watcher, first-time community poster here! I absolutely love Justin’s reality wedding style. However, I’m currently looking for the best resources to learn the basics of editing. Do you have any recommendations for YouTube channels or videos that helped you when you were starting out?

Justin’s work really motivates me to edit, but when I sit down, I often feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. definitely a brain fog overload. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: I’m learning on DaVinci Resolve