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July 10, 2023

Just a heads up, Diety has a sale this week and the TC-1 (3-pack) is a little over $50 off. I think they only took off $20 for the 1-pack. I was really hoping for a better deal on these. 😂

July 05, 2023

Helpful resource on how you can get sound bites from people.

July 07, 2023
July 06, 2023

Where are we submitting our Trailers? 

July 04, 2023

Hey all.  After watching the timeline organization video; does anyone know if there’s a way to create a project file that we can save to our desktop as a type of template? 

Ie- i set my project settings, I create an initial timeline with 4 video tracks, 9 or so audio tracks that are color coded, the reverb track and a ducking track- save that to my desktop.  Whenever I have a new project I open this and then save it to the project it belongs to? 

July 01, 2023

would it be wiser to wait for Deity to drop the new recorders or should I just get the old ones while I can?

June 28, 2023

Episode 3 is now live on the academy and FREE for everyone! On this episode of JPM Uncut, we delve into the world of imposter syndrome from the perspective of Justin Porter. Join us as we candidly explore the universal struggle we all face when doubting our own abilities. In addition, we're excited to introduce two new segments: "Controversial Comments" and "Filmmaker Spotlight." Brace yourself for thought-provoking discussions and engaging debates as we challenge conventional wisdom. Plus, we shine a spotlight on talented filmmakers, starting with Tony Pombo from Iris Films Atlanta. Tune in to JPM Uncut for an insightful conversation on imposter syndrome and a fresh take on the wedding filmmaking industry.


JPM Uncut Episode 3: Impost...

On this episode of JPM Uncut, we delve into the world of...
June 15, 2023

Bro! Can I call you bro? hahah what was the "Directing the Couple's Portraits" part? hahahaha Have you worked in some other entertainment business? You really get into man.

Here in Eastern Europe I'm so used to the more easy going, let the couple, and guests do their thing, and you just stay out trying not to be visible for the most part of it, but damn, you really get to be part of the day. Talking up, cheering up everyone, calling people for dancing. Great energy. I see that just having the dozen of mics, and 20+ lights are very nice haves, but the energy and interaction of you and everyone is very interesting to see.

Have you ever got people to think this interaction was a bit too much? I guess maybe you probably have thought about that in the start, but have someone ever said anything sort of negative about it? I know a lot of people like it, but wonder if anyone even once thought it was too much

June 29, 2023

So excited to have our first big live stream. Thank you everyone that joined and stayed, even through the slight hiccup, but I believe we are officially GOOD TO GO 🥹

Details for the Musicbed contest will be coming tomorrow. 

June 08, 2023

Pumped to be a part of this group. I have been watching Justin's You Tube videos and learning for a few months. I knew if he ever released a course or mentorship I would buy/sign up blindly with ZERO doubt. Excited for whats to come from this group and stepping into the next level of my career. I can't be the only ONE who feels like this.... Somebody drop me a line if you'r on the same page.