Doing a quick live stream test in a bit preparing for tonight. If you can hop on, do it and let me know what the experience is like :)
Hey everyone! Thanks again for joining the academy! I can't tell you how excited I am to start teaching this style. I wanted to let you know that you can comment directly on the videos within the platform. These questions/comments will get prioritized responses so feel free to ask.
On another note, We are going to be doing our first challenege on June 28th - Film Trailers live stream. You definitely want to be apart of that so be sure to set your reminder. If you can't make it, you'll still be able to join the challenege after.
Hey everyone, I am excited to be a part of this! I was secretly hoping Justin had this live academy up and running before the wedding season so that I could be more prepared lol! Either way I have already implemented some of the teachings into my workflow! The biggest change for me was putting mics on multiple people. I can't quite afford the whole timecode set up yet so I have to put in hours to sync everything until then!
I am a 1 man team and between editing and shooting, I try not to do more than 2 weddings a month. I am interested to hear what everyone's calendars look like! I would love to do more than 2 but I feel like I have to rush the editing if I do that.
Do we have music bed affiliated link for discounted rates? Can't wait to come here for answers! So many questions! Literally started wedding 2 weeks ago!

A brand new live workshop, "Directing & Motivating Scenes," has just been added to our schedule at JPM Live Academy. This workshop is all about mastering the art of directing and bringing out the most unforgettable moments in your wedding films.
In this session, we'll dive deep into the techniques and strategies that will help you create emotionally engaging scenes. Whether it's guiding couples during intimate moments, orchestrating captivating group shots, or creating a supportive environment for everyone involved, this workshop will equip you with the skills to elevate your directing game.
We're excited to switch things up a bit and hold this workshop on Tuesday evening, July 11th at 7pm CST. Mark your calendars and make sure to preregister for this live event to secure your spot. It's going to be an invaluable opportunity to enhance your directing skills and craft unforgettable wedding films.
Bro! Can I call you bro? hahah what was the "Directing the Couple's Portraits" part? hahahaha Have you worked in some other entertainment business? You really get into man.
Here in Eastern Europe I'm so used to the more easy going, let the couple, and guests do their thing, and you just stay out trying not to be visible for the most part of it, but damn, you really get to be part of the day. Talking up, cheering up everyone, calling people for dancing. Great energy. I see that just having the dozen of mics, and 20+ lights are very nice haves, but the energy and interaction of you and everyone is very interesting to see.
Have you ever got people to think this interaction was a bit too much? I guess maybe you probably have thought about that in the start, but have someone ever said anything sort of negative about it? I see a lot of people like it, but wonder if anyone even once thought it was too much

All packed for a really dope wedding weekend. 4 events, 4-5 sit down interviews, capped with a wedding Monday. Behind The Scenes of it all being captured.
Is there anything you really want me to make sure I cover in this BTS segment? I’ll make sure to touch on it in the video.
I am so excited that you decided to join the JPM Live Academy! I can't tell you how amazing it will be connecting, teaching, and watching your journey!
Just a few things to keep in mind. This community is only available to our Premium and Platinum members. Think of this like a private Facebook feed but all inside the platform. I encourage you to ask questions and be a part of the conversations. Some of those questions can end up as livestreamed workshops or JPM Uncut podcast episodes. We will also conduct polls for each month's live workshops.
More often than not, I have always had more questions than I did answers when purchasing premade courses. Doing live-based workshops will allow you to join in and ask questions in real time as I explain or demonstrate a process, making the learning experience even more immersive!
One-on-one mentor sessions are still available however I wanted to make connecting with me even easier. I'm now offering monthly group mentor sessions with your membership. Each month we will hold a 90 minute session all on Google Meet to discuss a variety of topics, answer questions, provide wedding film feedback, and more. These are usually scheduled within the community so be sure to check here often.
Lastly, keep in mind that this isn't a "start to finish" course. I intend to hold workshops in no specific order for both beginners and seasonsed filmmakers. Occasionally we will also create curated content that's uploaded but the real value will be in the live streams. Thank you so much for becoming a member.
Let's Revolutionize!
Just added the rest of the BTS with Matt Johnson, plus a new video discussing how to create a bus audio in Davinci. Hope y'all enjoy and CAN'T WAIT to see you all on Wednesday evening!