Justin Porter

San Antonio, TX, United States


Mar 21 at 12:05 PM

🎬 Welcome to the JPM Live Academy Filmmakers Classified Group! 🎥

To ensure a positive and efficient experience for everyone, please adhere to the following group rules:

1. Clear Listing Requirements:

  • Include detailed information: Condition (new/used/refurbished), specifications, accessories, and price.

  • Post clear, high-quality images of the items.

  • Transparency is key for informed decisions.

2. No Spam or Irrelevant Content:

  • Only posts about filmmaking gear and related items are allowed.

  • Avoid reposting the same item multiple times in a short period.

3. Respectful Communication:

  • Engage in respectful, constructive dialogue.

  • Harassment, bullying, and any form of disrespect will not be tolerated.

  • Let's maintain a supportive community atmosphere.

4. Transaction Guidelines:

  • Transactions are to be conducted securely and wisely.

  • Sellers should be transparent about the item's condition.

  • Shipping items we encourage purchasing shipping insurance.

5. Disclaimer - Buy and Sell at Your Own Risk:

  • Important: JPM Live Academy does not manage or handle any part of the selling or buying process. Members engage in transactions at their own risk. The academy is not responsible for any issues that may arise during transactions.

By participating in this group, you agree to these rules, which are designed to keep our community safe, respectful, and valuable for all members. Let’s make our filmmaking community stronger by supporting each other’s craft and passion.

Happy buying and selling!


Mar 08 at 08:32 PM

I’m slowly gaining my voice back. Super excited with the turnout of the first JPM Filmmaker Bootcamp. I really want to thank all of you regardless of those who attended. Your support, encouragement, and enthusiasm for the style is what keeps me going. Here’s to changing the industry 🥂



Jan 31 at 06:08 PM

If you haven’t seen this it’s a great watch. Real consultation call with a couple. I show you my approach for getting their initial story, keeping it personable instead of salesly. Check it out if you haven’t.


How to Guide Your Initial S...

This is a very requested video of a real consultation call I...


Jan 26 at 08:19 PM

Just want to let yall know to bare with me. I'm working on the micing workshop and hope to finish it by Sunday evening. Actively uploading them as they become available though.


Jan 25 at 08:48 PM


Jan 24 at 06:42 PM

First few videos of Micing for Beginners are up! Just give me a couple days to get the rest cut and posted but I figured y'all could go ahead and start watching, especially if you missed the livestream.🔥


Jan 15 at 09:26 AM

Due to inclement weather here in Texas, we will be rescheduling today’s workshop for Thursday. Stay warm friends!😅



Jan 14 at 12:51 PM


Jan 12 at 03:20 PM

Essential Lighting Gear rewind is up! Look under 'What's New' to start watching🔥


Dec 13 at 04:54 AM

What I wasn’t expecting to see Monday scrolling instagram.
It’s clear how significant this style is but I was quickly reminded AGAIN at just how fast life moves. I want us all to be obsessed with the preservation of voices, stories, and laughter. Get obsessed yall. We have an incredible gift to bring to every family we work with. ❤️


A Real Testimonial | Why We...

I was quickly reminded why we do this style. Why it's so...