Jadyha Gardner

Portland, ME, United States

Feb 01 at 08:31 AM


I need these bolts. Link ya boi


Jan 31 at 10:46 PM


I recently had the chance to work with Justin in Texas, and it completely changed my approach to capturing events. The importance of soundbites really clicked. I incorporated that into my latest film, and it’s poppin’ off here in Maine. I couldn’t be more proud. Huge thanks to Justin for showing me the way!



Jan 31 at 06:04 PM

If you know, you know.


Jan 27 at 01:20 PM



Jan 25 at 05:12 PM


I thought about that.. I ordered this Anker Prime Charging doc that supplies 250W. Going to do some testing.


Jan 24 at 12:29 PM

Hey everyone!

I’m considering investing in 8 VB99 V-Mount batteries. I’ll use 4 to power my cameras and 4 for my lights. I’ve been testing and calculating runtimes, and everything seems to check out. My goal is to simplify my power workflow.

For those of you with experience using VB99s or a similar setup, do you think this plan makes sense? Any potential issues I might be overlooking? I’d love to hear your thoughts or advice before making the purchase!

Thanks in advance!


I shoot almost everything at 23.976 fps because it gives that movie feel and keeps my workflow consistent. I switch to 60 fps for shots I specifically want to slow down in post or for B-roll that needs a smooth, dynamic look. When I first started, I filmed everything at 60 fps because it felt like the safe, easy option, but over time, I realized it’s better to be intentional with frame rates to suit the story and style of the project.

Oct 13 at 06:36 PM

I can be..

Oct 04 at 07:47 PM

I’m there.

Sep 22 at 09:18 PM

Justin Porter I’m available; but if you throw me to the wolves don’t be surprised if I come back with the whole pack. 😌
